Posts tagged summer top 10 series
EP 248 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2009
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2009 horror, occult, thirst, the house of the devil, amer, the hills run red, antichrist, my bloody valentine, drag me to hell, rec 2, jennifer's body
EP 247 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2008
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2008 horror, lake mungo, eden lake, the strangers, the ruins, let the right one in, pontypool, cloverfield, trick 'r treat, martyrs, baghead
EP 246 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2007
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2007 horror, paranormal activity, 30 days of night, the orphanage, murder party, wrong turn 2, rogue, the mist, rec, grindhouse, inside
EP 245 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2006
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2006 horror, them, slither, the host, pan's labyrinth, hostel, silent hill, bloody reunion, behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon, the hills have eyes
EP 244 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2005
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2005 horror, the exorcism of emily rose, 2001 maniacs, land of the dead, noroi the curse, house of wax, wolf creek, the descent, the skeleton key, the devils rejects, dead birds
EP 242 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2004
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2004 horror, dawn of the dead, calvaire, marebito, the grudge, shaun of the dead, creep, the forgotten, saw, dumplings, shutter
EP 241 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2003
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2003 horror, the texas chainsaw massacre 2003, house of 1000 corpses, a tale of two sisters, ju-on the grudge, identity, high tension, oldboy, cabin fever, malefique, wrong turn
EP 240 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2002
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2002 horror, dog soldiers, the ring, may, bubba ho-tep, the mothman prophecies, 28 days later, irreversible, dark water, one hour photo, resident evil
EP 239 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2001
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2000's Horror, the frailty, brotherhood of the wolf, pulse, suicide club, the others, from hell, the devil, the devils backbone, session 9, ichi the killer, mulholland drive
EP 238 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2000
tputs episode, top 10Duncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2000's Horror, hollow man, shadow of the vampire, ginger snaps, final destination, the gift, book of shadows: blair witch 2, battle royale, uzumaki, ju-on the curse, american psycho