EP 240 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2002
Welcome to episode 240 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Welcome to the seventh annual Summer TPUTS Top 10 Series, this year looking at the decade known as the 00’s.
This episode with feature the following guests: The Wych, Carly Sonafelt & Mark Ball. Adjudicator on this episode was Dave Parker with secondary adjudicator Dave Zee.
People’s Council for this episode were Matt Jones & Mike Maryman.
And will feature mini reviews of the following films: Dog Soldiers, The Ring, May, Bubba Ho-Tep, The Mothman Prophecies, 28 Days Later, Irreversible, Dark Water, One Hour Photo & Resident Evil.
Intro – 0 - 4mins 20secs
Top 10 2002 - 4mins 20secs - 2hrs 53mins 10secs
Interlude Song - The Key to Gramercy Park - Deadsy (2002) - 2hrs 53mins 10secs - 2hrs 56mins 20secs
Decision Time - 2hrs 56mins 20secs - 3hrs 33mins 55secs
Promo - 3hrs 33mins 55secs - 3hrs 34mins 25secs
Adjudicators & Final Result - 3hrs 34mins 25secs - 3hrs 55mins 55secs
Peoples Council & Closing out the Show - 3hrs 55mins 55secs - End
Closing Song - Complicated - Avril Lavigne (2002)
The two movies selected by the hosts were: 28 Days Later & May.
The adjudicator recommended that 28 Days Later & May were the top 2 movies so no changes were made.
After the vote resulting two movies representing 2002 are 28 Days Later & May.
The Peoples Council have selected 28 Days Later & Irreversible to represent 2002.
Hosts List:
American Psycho
Ginger Snaps
The Frailty
Session 9
28 Days Later
People’s List
Final Destination
Battle Royale
The Frailty
The Others
28 Days Later
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