Posts tagged the texas chainsaw massacre 2003
EP 375 - SUMMER SERIES 2022 - 2003
tputs episode, top 10Duncan McLeishsummer series, tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, 2003, the texas chainsaw massacre 2003, cabin fever, a tale of two sisters, house of 1000 corpses
EP 241 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 00's EDITION - 2003
tputs episodeDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, summer top 10 series, 2003 horror, the texas chainsaw massacre 2003, house of 1000 corpses, a tale of two sisters, ju-on the grudge, identity, high tension, oldboy, cabin fever, malefique, wrong turn
BAZ V HORROR 34 - Baz v Leatherface Pt.3