BONUS EP 386 - CHALLENGE TPUTS JANUARY '22 - MOVIE CLUB - DE PALMA CHAPTER 1 PT.1 movie clubDuncan McLeishJanuary 13, 2022tputs, tput, tputscast, movie club, one missed call, Brian de palma, obsession
EP 304 - RUSSIAN ROULETTE RETROSPECTIVE - ONE MISSED CALL TRILOGY russian roulette seriesDuncan McLeishSeptember 7, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, russian roulette series, one missed call, one missed call 2, one missed call: final
Baz v Horror 35 - Master of Horror Series - Takashi Miike baz v horrorDuncan McLeishAugust 17, 2017baz v horror, baz v the masters of horror, baz reviews, bazvhorror, tputs, tputscast, takashi miike, one missed call, audition