EP 343 - GAMERA BOXSET SERIES - PT.3 - GAMERA VS GYAOS tputs episodeDuncan McLeishJanuary 31, 2022tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, gamera boxset, Gamera vs gyaos, boxset
EP 340 - LANZI BAKER BOXSET SERIES - PT.2 - SO SWEET SO PERVERSE (1969) tputs episodeDuncan McLeishJanuary 17, 2022tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, lenzi baker boxset, so sweet so perverse, boxset
EP 331 - GAMERA BOXSET SERIES - PT.2 - GAMERA VS BARUGON tputs episodeDuncan McLeishDecember 18, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, gamera boxset, gamera vs barugon, boxset
EP 322 - GAMERA BOXSET SERIES - PT.1 - GAMERA: THE GIANT MONSTER tputs episodeDuncan McLeishDecember 5, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, gamera boxset, gamera: the giant monster, boxset
EP 270 - WILLIAM CASTLE AT COLUMBIA PT.2 - 13 GHOSTS (1960) tputs episodeDuncan McLeishFebruary 8, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, william castle, 13 ghosts, boxset