4 June 2017 - A New Hope

Welcome to the first post in the Blog Under the Stairs!!

AArrgghhh so this is actually now a thing?!

It has been my ambition, for quite some time, to do a spot of additional content on this website. Now the cynical or those that like to adhere to the stereo-type that all Scots are frugal with their money, might assume that this blog is purely to get my monies worth out of the hosting costs on the website...but as loathed as I am to burst that bubble, I just like the idea of both myself and The Baz doing something a bit different in the TPUTS world.

So the Blog Under the Stairs, as it's to be known, will be the vehicle in which we share our thoughts on things we've watched, trends we see in the genre, thing's that we feel need to be addressed, under appreciated topics/movies/music & of course plenty of other nonsense that pops into our alcohol fuelled heads.


One cool idea that sprung to mind was the inclusion of a TPUTS Newsletter which you can sign up to. Every 2 weeks you will get a update by way of our newsletter telling you about what is happening Under the Stairs, upcoming shows, competitions and any new Merch that we are planning on selling.

To join the mailing list all you need to do is enter your email in the form below!!

This entry of the Blog Under the Stairs was written while listening to Brian Reitzell & Shirely Manson - "Queen of the Bored" (American Gods OST)

Until the next post, wherever you are, whatever the timezone is and whatever you're up to, please take care of yourselves....This is Duncan McLeish typing from Under the Stairs...Signing Off.

Duncan McLeish