BONUS EP 327 - SON REVIEW & INTERVIEW WITH IVAN KAVANAGH bonus episodeDuncan McLeishMarch 3, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, bonus episode, son, ivan kavanagh, interview
BONUS EP 324 - SHOOK (2021) bonus episodeDuncan McLeishFebruary 20, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, shudder, bonus episode, shook
BONUS EP 320 - SATOR REVIEW & INTERVIEW WITH JORDAN GRAHAM bonus episodeDuncan McLeishFebruary 6, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, interview, sator, bonus episode
BONUS EP 318 - THE RECKONING bonus episodeDuncan McLeishFebruary 3, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, the reckoning, bonus episode
BONUS EP 315 - FINGERS (2021) bonus episodeDuncan McLeishJanuary 23, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, bonus episode, shudder, fingers
BONUS EP 313 - PG: PSYCHO GOREMAN REVIEW & INTERVIEW WITH STEVEN KOSTANSKI bonus episodeDuncan McLeishJanuary 19, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, bonus episode, pg: psycho goreman, interview
BONUS EP 312 - THE BLOODHOUND REVIEW & INTERVIEW WITH PATRICK PICARD bonus episodeDuncan McLeishJanuary 16, 2021tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, bonus episode, the bloodhound, arrow video, interview
BONUS EP 309 - LISTENER MOVIE CLUB REVIEWS - BLAXPLOITATION HORROR PT.4 movie clubDuncan McLeishDecember 23, 2020tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, bonus episode, movie club, listener reviews, the house on skull mountain
BONUS EP 308 - CROPSEY - LISTENER CHOICE DEMEMBER bonus episodeDuncan McLeishDecember 22, 2020tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, true crime, cropsey, bonus episode
BONUS EP 307 - ANYTHING FOR JACKSON (2020) bonus episodeDuncan McLeishDecember 17, 2020tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, shudder, bonus episode, anything for jackson
BONUS EP 305 - PORNO (2020) bonus episodeDuncan McLeishDecember 12, 2020tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, bonus episode, shudder, porno
BONUS EP 304 - TICKLED - LISTENER CHOICE DEMEMBER listener choice decemberDuncan McLeishDecember 10, 2020tputs, tputscast, podcast under the stairs, bonus episode, true crime, tickled