BazOween 2020 Let's Get Serial - Episode 3 - The House that Jack Built (2018)
BazOween 2020 Let's Get Serial - Episode 2 - Natural Born Killers (1994)
BazOween 2019 - Episode 5
Baz v Horror 41 - Wrong Turn Franchise Retrospective Part 2
Baz v Horror 39 - Masters of Horror Series - Clive Barker
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Baz v Horror 37 - Graduation From Horror High - Creepshow 1 & 2
Baz v Horror 36 - Master of Horror Series - Stuart Gordon
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Baz v Halloween 2017 Episode 5
Baz v Halloween 2017 Episode 4
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Baz v Halloween 2017 Episode 3
Baz v Halloween 2017 Episode 1
baz v horror, baz review, baz v halloweenDuncan McLeishtputs, tputscast, baz reviews, baz v horror, bazvhorror, the baz, baz v halloween, bad ben, the houses october built