Welcome to episode 475 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
We are officially counting down to our 10th anniversary of the show with an episode landing on August 31st 2023.
Marking this milestone and at the behest of you dear dear listeners, we are dropping an episode every day with the theme being my Top 10 Favourite Horror movies of All Time (or at least until I change them again on September 1st 2023).
At Number 3 it’s time to step up into a different level of terror. I was 18 years old when The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974) played on UK tv uncut and it terrified me in ways I didn’t know a movie could. Part hellscape, part fever dream & all surreal terror…Tobe Hooper’s feature debut stands tall as the shift change in the tone and delivery of horror in cinema and marked a direct change in horror post it’s release. To this day, it stands tall as one of THEE best horror movies of all time.
Join me tomorrow as we take a look at Number 2 on the list.
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