EP 384 - SUMMER SERIES 2022 - 2005

Welcome to episode 384 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Welcome to the ninth annual Summer TPUTS Top 10 Series, this year looking at the filling the third seeded place for the years 1970-2009.

This episode with feature the following guest: Mike Maryman.

Going head to head to fill the 3rd place spot for 2005 are the movies Land of the Dead & Wolf Creek.

Intro – 0 - 2mins 30secs

Summer Series 2005 - 2mins 30secs - 44mins 45secs

Closing out the Show - 44mins 45secs - End

Closing Song - Nine Inch Nails - Only

The movies selected by the hosts was Wolf Creek.

This means the 3 movies heading to next years Summer Series representing 2005 are:

  1. The Descent

  2. The Devil’s Rejects

  3. Wolf Creek

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