The Podcast Under the Stairs EP 350 - March Madness - Don Burnside (The Clovehitch Killer 2018)

Welcome to episode 350 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Welcome to our March Madness…right I don’t know what March Madness actually is so I have made it my own. That’s right…a whole month looking at serial killers in horror movies.

This second instalment looks at Don Burnside, the B.T.K inspired sexual sadist killer from The Clovehitch Killer (2018).

The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It

Don Burnside’s Grade:

Duncan: 5

The Clovehitch Killer Calls:

Duncan: 4.5


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