Welcome to episode 250 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.


Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Welcome to the seventh annual Summer TPUTS Top 10 Series, this year looking at the decade known as the 00’s.

This episode with feature the second of 3 full length roundtables carried out at the end of the series. Each roundtable will have a selection of hosts who will relive the series before hearing…and revealing their scoring of the top 20 movies selected during the series.

This episode features Jamie J Sammons, Jeff Lown, Daeron Wilson & Gary Hill.

Intro – 0 - 6mins 25secs

Roundtable 2000-2009 Discussion - 6mins 25secs - 2hrs 57mins

Promo - 2hrs 57mins - 2hrs 58mins

Roundtable Official Lists - 2hrs 58mins - 3hrs 49min 10secs

Closing out the Show - 3hrs 49min 10secs - End

Closing Song - My Humps - The Black Eyed Peas (2005)

Huge thanks to my guest hosts: Jamie J Sammons, Jeff Lown, Daeron Wilson & Gary Hill.

To my Adjudicators: Dave Parker, Moodz, Derek Bourgeois & Venom

And finally to my Peoples Council: Elicia Neumann, Adam Claver, David Garrett Jnr, Amy Spears, Dan Chase, Lacy Lou, Matt Jones, Mike Maryman, Tom Brooker & Cole Antonovich.

Here is the official lists from the hosts on this episode in order of favourite to least favourite:

Gary Hill

  1. Pan's Labyrinth

  2. Frailty

  3. Shaun of the Dead

  4. American Psycho

  5. The Mist 

  6. Oldboy

  7. Ginger Snaps

  8. 28 Days Later

  9. The Descent

  10. REC

  11. The Host

  12. The Devil’s Rejects

  13. High Tension

  14. Let the Right One In

  15. Thirst 

  16. May

  17. Saw

  18. Martyrs

  19. The House of the Devil

  20. Session 9

Daeron Wilson

  1. Pan's Labyrinth

  2. The Descent

  3. Let the Right One In

  4. 28 Days Later

  5. American Psycho

  6. Frailty

  7. Oldboy

  8. The House of the Devil

  9. Shaun of the Dead

  10. Thirst 

  11. The Host

  12. High Tension

  13. Ginger Snaps

  14. REC

  15. May

  16. Session 9

  17. Martyrs

  18. The Devil’s Rejects

  19. Saw

  20. The Mist 

Jamie J Sammons

  1. Shaun of the Dead

  2. American Psycho

  3. Ginger Snaps

  4. The Descent

  5. The Mist 

  6. Session 9

  7. May

  8. REC

  9. Let the Right One In

  10. Martyrs

  11. Frailty

  12. The Devil’s Rejects

  13. Saw

  14. The House of the Devil

  15. 28 Days Later

  16. Pan's Labyrinth

  17. High Tension

  18. The Host

  19. Thirst 

  20. Oldboy

Jeff Lown

  1. The House of the Devil

  2. REC

  3. Thirst 

  4. Shaun of the Dead

  5. Session 9

  6. The Mist 

  7. Let the Right One In

  8. Ginger Snaps

  9. 28 Days Later

  10. The Devil’s Rejects

  11. The Descent

  12. Oldboy

  13. High Tension

  14. May

  15. The Host

  16. Pan's Labyrinth

  17. Martyrs

  18. Saw

  19. Frailty

  20. American Psycho


  1. Frailty

  2. The Descent

  3. Martyrs

  4. The Mist 

  5. Saw

  6. Let the Right One In

  7. American Psycho

  8. Thirst 

  9. Pan's Labyrinth

  10. The Devil’s Rejects

  11. 28 Days Later

  12. Oldboy

  13. REC

  14. The House of the Devil

  15. The Host

  16. Session 9

  17. May

  18. Shaun of the Dead

  19. Ginger Snaps

  20. High Tension

Duncan McLeish

  1. REC

  2. Let the Right One In

  3. Martyrs

  4. The Descent

  5. Pan's Labyrinth

  6. Oldboy

  7. Thirst

  8. American Psycho

  9. The Mist 

  10. Shaun of the Dead

  11. High Tension

  12. 28 Days Later

  13. The Host

  14. Session 9

  15. Frailty

  16. May

  17. The House of the Devil

  18. The Devil’s Rejects

  19. Saw

  20. Ginger Snaps


  1. Let the Right One In

  2. The Descent

  3. Martyrs

  4. REC

  5. Pan's Labyrinth

  6. American Psycho

  7. 28 Days Later

  8. The Mist 

  9. Thirst 

  10. Shaun of the Dead

  11. Frailty (JOINT 11 WITH OLDBOY)

  12. Oldboy (JOINT 11 WITH FRAILTY)

  13. Ginger Snaps

  14. The Devil’s Rejects

  15. The Host

  16. The House of the Devil

  17. High Tension (JOINT 17 WITH MAY)


  19. Saw

  20. Session 9

Join me tomorrow for the next roundtable featuring Bo Ransdell, Doug Tilley, Liam Rafferty, Mark Ball & The Wych.

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