EP 226 - Mayday Mayday (Isolation in Horror Pt.1) - THE THING

Welcome to episode 226 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.


Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

We are starting a new three part series themed Mayday Mayday which looks at isolation and paranoia in horror cinema. The first episode is looking at these themes in The Thing (1982).

Intro - 0 - 4mins

Promo - 4mins - 4mins 55secs

The Thing - 4mins 55secs - 21mins 25secs

Closing out the Show - 21mins 25secs - End

The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It

The Thing:

Duncan: 5

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