EP 194 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 90's EDITION - 1994
Welcome to episode 194 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Welcome to the sixth annual Summer TPUTS Top 10 Series, this year looking at the decade known as the 90’s.
This episode with feature the following guests: Doug Tilley, Andy Blockley & The Wych.
And will feature mini reviews of the following films: The Crow, Mary Shelly's Frankenstein, Cemetery Man, Wolf, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare,Night of the Demons 2, Nightwatch, Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Next Generation, Interview with the Vampire & Body Melt.
Intro – 0 - 3mins 25secs
Top 10 1994 - 3mins 25secs - 2hr 49mins 40secs
Decision Time - 2hr 50mins - 3hrs 8mins 55secs
Interlude Song - Sabotage - The Beastie Boys - 3hrs 8mins 55secs - 3hrs 11mins 50secs
Adjudicators, People Council & Final Result - 3hrs 11mins 50secs - 3hrs 21mins
Closing out the Show - 3hrs 21mins - End
Closing Song - MMM MMM MMM MMM - The Crash Test Dummies
The two movies selected by the hosts were: Interview with the Vampire & Nightwatch.
The adjudicators recommended that Nightwatch be replaced by The Crow.
The remaining 12 hosts voted in a slim majority in favour of changing Nightwatch.
As a result the two movies representing 1994 are Interview with the Vampire & Nightwatch with The Crow becoming the Wildcard entry for the year.
The Peoples Council have selected Interview with the Vampire & Wes Craven’s New Nightmare to represent 1994.
Hosts List:
Jacbo’s Ladder
The Silence of the Lambs
Cape Fear
Jurassic Park
Fire in the Sky
Interview with the Vampire
People’s List
Jacbo’s Ladder
The Silence of the Lambs
Cape Fear
Man Bites Dog
Needful Things
Dark Waters
Interview with the Vampire
Wes Craven’s New Nightmare
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