EP 192 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 90's EDITION - 1992

Welcome to episode 192 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.


Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Welcome to the sixth annual Summer TPUTS Top 10 Series, this year looking at the decade known as the 90’s.

This episode with feature the following guests: Jamie J Sammons, Jeff Lown & Cort Psyops.

And will feature mini reviews of the following films: Innocent Blood, Bram Stokers Dracula, Sleepwalkers, Braindead, Candyman, The Resurrected, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, Man Bites Dog, Raising Cain & Dr Giggles.

Intro – 0 - 3mins 10secs

Top 10 1992 - 3mins 10secs - 3hr 38mins 50secs

Decision Time - 3hr 38mins 50secs - 3hrs 51mins 20secs

Interlude Song - Pass the Mic - Beastie Boys - 3hrs 51mins 20secs - 3hrs 55mins 35secs

Adjudicators, People Council & Final Result - 3hrs 55mins 35secs - 4hrs 45secs

Closing out the Show - 4hrs 45secs - End

Closing Song - Stay - Shakespears Sister

The two movies selected by the hosts were: Candyman & Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

The adjudicators recommended that Bram Stoker’s Dracula be replaced by Braindead.

The remaining 12 hosts voted 9 to 3 in favour of changing to Braindead.

As a result the two movies representing 1992 are Candyman & Braindead with Bram Stoker’s Dracula becoming the Wildcard entry for the year.

The Peoples Council have selected Candyman & Man Bites Dog to represent 1992.

Hosts List:

  1. Misery

  2. Jacbo’s Ladder

  3. The Silence of the Lambs

  4. Cape Fear

  5. Candyman

  6. Braindead

People’s List

  1. Misery

  2. Jacbo’s Ladder

  3. The Silence of the Lambs

  4. Cape Fear

  5. Candyman

  6. Man Bites Dog

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