EP 191 - SUMMER TPUTS TOP 10 90's EDITION - 1991
Welcome to episode 191 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Welcome to the sixth annual Summer TPUTS Top 10 Series, this year looking at the decade known as the 90’s.
This episode with feature the following guests: Doug Tilley, Jeff Lown &Cort Psyops.
And will feature mini reviews of the following films: Child's Play 3, The People Under the Stairs, Popcorn, The Pit & The Pendulum, Silence of the Lambs, Naked Lunch, Hiroku the Goblin, The Sect, Cape Fear & Body Parts.
Intro – 0 - 3mins 40secs
Top 10 1991 - 3mins 40secs - 2hr 38mins 30secs
Decision Time - 2hr 40mins - 2hrs 55mins 20secs
Interlude Song - How A Could Just Kill A Man - Cypruss Hill - 2hrs 55mins 20secs - 2hrs 59mins 20secs
Adjudicators, People Council & Final Result - 2hrs 59mins 20secs - 3hrs 2mins 30secs
Closing out the Show - 3hrs 2mins 30secs - End
Closing Song - All Right Now - Free
The two movies selected by the hosts were: The Silence of the Lambs & Cape Fear.
The adjudicators agreed with this result so no change was suggested.
As a result the two movies representing 1991 are The Silence of the Lambs & Cape Fear with no wildcard entry.
The Peoples Council have selected The Silence of the Lambs & Cape Fear to represent 1991.
Hosts List:
Jacbo’s Ladder
The Silence of the Lambs
Cape Fear
People’s List
Jacbo’s Ladder
The Silence of the Lambs
Cape Fear
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