EP 152 - TPUTS SUMMER TOP 10 80's EDITION - 1984
Welcome to Episode 152 of the Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Summer has arrived at last Under the Stairs which means our 5th annual Top 10 series of shows has come to take you through those uncomfortably humid days with a hearty dose of horror!!
I am not one to be accused of short changing listeners or setting easy goals either which makes this years Top 10 series very special indeed!! Over the next 10 episodes in the series we will count down each year in the decade known as the 80's with the mission statement of creating the definitive Top 10 list of movies in the decade, but with a little TPUTS twist if you will.
Noah's Ark rules will mean that each year will be represented in the creation of the list and will force myself and my guests to short list each year in the decade from 10 movies to 2!! That's right...only 2 movies from each year can go through which means that this list can/might & will be unlike any Top 10 list of 80's horror movies created on a podcast!!
On this episode my guests are Liam Rafferty & Doug Tilley and we are looking at 10 movies from 1984 with mini reviews of A Nightmare Elm Street, The Company of Wolves, The Terminator, The Toxic Avenger, C.H.U.D, Gremlins, Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter , Body Double, Poison For the Fairies, Night of the Comet
Intro – 0 - 5mins 15secs
Top 10 1984 - 5mins 15secs - 2hrs 40mins 45secs
Decision Time - 2hrs 41mins 55secs - 3hrs 9mins 5secs
Closing Out the Show- 3hrs 9mins 5secs - End
Closing Song - Two Tribes - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
The 2 movies picked as going forward to the final roundtable representing the year 1984 are A Nightmare on Elm Street & Gremlins.
Join me for the next year in the decade this Monday with special guests Gary Hill & Ricky Morgan to look at 1985 and the following movies:
- Demons
- Re-Animator
- Day of the Dead
- Return of the Living Dead
- Silver Bullet
- Fright Night
- Phenomena
- Nightmare 2
- Friday 5
- Cat's Eye
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