Welcome to episode 135 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.


Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

This week Duncan is joined by Rick Morgan of Short Bus Cinema &  Dude Looks Like the 80's to look at two movie he is bringing Under the Stairs because he knows how much I love Italian Genre cinema.

So sit back, relax and get ready to listen to some bizarre chat about to lesser known Italian zombie genre fare in reviews of Zombie Holocaust (1978) & Burial Ground (1981).

Intro – 0 - 3mins 25secs

Introducing My Guest - 4mins 40secs - 13mins 20secs

Zombie Holocaust - 14mins 45secs - 57mins 10secs

Burial Ground - 58mins 5secs - 1hrs 39mins 45secs

Closing Out the Show- 1hrs 39mins 45secs - End

Closing Song - My Green Neighbour - Destrage

The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It

Zombie Holocaust Rating:

Duncan: 4

Ricky: 4

Burial Ground Rating:

Duncan: 5

Ricky: 4

Thanks to Ricky for coming on the show.

Our new A3 Baz v Horror Posters are available to purchase!! If you are interested in owning one then email podcastunderthestairs@gmail.com for details!!

All prices include postage and packaging in special poster tubes with mail drops on Wednesdays and Saturdays each week until I'm sold out.Baz v Horror Poster:UK: £15USA: $20Baz v Horror & TPUTS The Void Poster COMBOUK: £20USA $26Paypal: gentik_t…

All prices include postage and packaging in special poster tubes with mail drops on Wednesdays and Saturdays each week until I'm sold out.

Baz v Horror Poster:

UK: £15

USA: $20

Baz v Horror & TPUTS The Void Poster COMBO

UK: £20

USA $26

Paypal: gentik_tool@hotmail.com

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