Welcome to episode 132 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
This week Duncan is joined by Boz of The Little Pod of Horrors to chat about two movies that really put British Horror on the map in 2017 with reviews of Prevenge (2017) & A Dark Song (2017).
Duncan and Boz also get hyped about Glasgow Frightfest and have a little tangental convo at the start which is mostly due to the booze consumed before and during the recording....enjoy.
Intro - 0 - 39mins 40secs
Prevenge - 41mins 20secs - 1hrs 18mins 10secs
A Dark Song - 1hrs 19mins 35secs - 2hrs 5mins 50secs
Closing Out the Show - 2hrs 5mins 50secs - End
Closing Song - Mesmerise - Temples
The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It
Prevenge Rating:
Duncan: 4
Boz: 4
A Dark Song Rating:
Duncan: 5
Boz: 4.5
Thanks to Boz for coming on the show.
Our new A3 Baz v Horror Posters are available to purchase!! If you are interested in owning one then email podcastunderthestairs@gmail.com for details!!
All prices include postage and packaging in special poster tubes with mail drops on Wednesdays and Saturdays each week until I'm sold out.
Baz v Horror Poster:
UK: £15
USA: $20
Baz v Horror & TPUTS The Void Poster COMBO
UK: £20
USA $26
Paypal: gentik_tool@hotmail.com
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