EP127 - Sheflanagans
Welcome to episode 127 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Welcome to Episode 127 where we dedicate an entire 4 hours of attention, admiration and most importantly genre fanboy love towards a modern master of horror Mike Flanagan. Duncan is joined by two fantastic guest hosts, Bo Ransdell and Jamie J Sammons on this amazing filmography.
Sheflanagans is an episode covering all 6 feature length movies from one of the most exciting voices around in reviews of Absentia (2011), Oculus (2013), Hush (2016), Before I Wake (2016), Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) & Gerald's Game (2017).
Intro - 0 - 3mins 25secs
Interlude - Back to School - Deftones - 4mins 45secs - 8mins 40secs
Introducing My Guests - 8mins 40secs - 20mins 55secs
Absentia - 21mins 55secs - 51mins 10secs
Oculus - 52mins 35secs - 1hrs 24mins 50secs
Hush - 1hrs 26mins 35secs - 1hrs 52mins 30secs
Before I Wake - 1hrs 53mins 55secs - 2hrs 31mins 40secs
Ouija: Origin of Evil - 2hrs 33mins 5secs - 2hrs 57mins 35secs
Gerald's Game - 2hrs 58mins 35secs - 3hrs 50mins 20secs
Closing Out the Show - 3hrs 50mins 20secs - End
Closing Song - Fortunate Son - Dropkick Murphy's
Sheflanagans Order Of Favourites:
1. Oculus
2. Hush
3. Absentia
4. Gerald's Game
5. Ouija: Origin of Evil
6. Before I Wake
1. Oculus
2. Hush
3. Absentia
4. Gerald's Game
5. Ouija: Origin of Evil
6. Before I Wake
1. Oculus
2. Absentia
3. Hush
4. Gerald's Game
5. Before I Wake
6. Ouija: Origin of Evil
Thanks to Jamie & Bo for taking part in this show.
All prices include postage and packaging in special poster tubes with mail drops on Wednesdays and Saturdays each week until I'm sold out.
Baz v Horror Poster:
UK: £15
USA: $20
Baz v Horror & TPUTS The Void Poster COMBO
UK: £20
USA $26
Paypal: gentik_tool@hotmail.com
Check out the show on iTunes, TuneIn & on Stitcher Radio.
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