The Podcast Under the Stairs presents our next instalment of The 88 Films Italian Collection Series.
Welcome to the next instalment of our sub-set of show exclusively looking at the Italian Collection releases of 88 Films.
88 Films have, for the last 2 years or so, have been on a tear releasing a torrent of Italian genre classics in high definition. I have been purchasing them and it should be no surprise to anyone, I have left them pretty much unwatched (what can I say...I'm a compulsive collector).
In order to watch the movies I buy, and of course create some quality content for you all Under the Stairs, I will be running through each of the movies on this bonus series between 1-2 movies a month depending on the TPUTS schedule.
So strap yourself in for a rollercoaster ride of alleged plagiarism, zombies, gore, rape, genital mutilation, sexism, revenge, gialli, cops and robbers, cannibalism, sci fi & more bush and titties than an annual subscription to Penthouse magazine.
Disc 8 in the collection is another first-time watch for me and the first in the collection that is (albeit only slightly) outwith the horror genre into the 'crime-thriller with a splattering of rape' sub-genre (yes I have made this genre up...but it's my show so that's allowed). We join a 'not at all type-casted' David Hess as a psychotic hitch-hiker rapist looking for some unhappy couple to terrorise in Pasquale Festa Campanile 1977 crime flick Hitch-Hike.
The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It
Duncan: 3.5
Up next on the Italian Collection Series is Disc 9 - Zombie Flesh Eaters 2 (1988).
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