The Podcast Under the Stairs presents our next instalment of The 88 Films Italian Collection Series.
Welcome to the next instalment of our sub-set of show exclusively looking at the Italian Collection releases of 88 Films.
88 Films have, for the last 2 years or so, have been on a tear releasing a torrent of Italian genre classics in high definition. I have been purchasing them and it should be no surprise to anyone, I have left them pretty much unwatched (what can I say...I'm a compulsive collector).
In order to watch the movies I buy, and of course create some quality content for you all Under the Stairs, I will be running through each of the movies on this bonus series between 1-2 movies a month depending on the TPUTS schedule.
So strap yourself in for a rollercoaster ride of alleged plagiarism, zombies, gore, rape, genital mutilation, sexism, revenge, gialli, cops and robbers, cannibalism, sci fi & more bush and titties than an annual subscription to Penthouse magazine.
Disc 17 is back to the world of poliziotteschi with The Cynic, The Rat & The Fist (1977) which see’s the return of the Italian Collection mainstay Umberto Lenzi behind the directors chair. But can the master of cannibals and shock deliver in the belly of the criminal underworld genre?
The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It
The Cynic, The Rat & The Fist
Duncan: 4
Up next on the Italian Collection Series is Disc 18 - Hands of Steel
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