BAZ V HORROR 33 - Baz v Leatherface Pt.2
Welcome to this Baz v Horror episode of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
It's Baz v Franchise time which means its the Spring under the stairs and the Baz is set to face down another mammoth franchise with nothing but his wits, his humour and his massive horror boner!!
You guys voted for it and TPUTS is going to give you it!! It's Baz v Leatherface and for the next 3 Baz episodes we are covering the last of the Big 4 in slasher horror cinema in Leatherface and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre series!!
On this Part 2 we look at The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 3: Leatherface (1990) and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 4 The Next Generation (1994).
Intro – 0 - 23mins 15secs
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 - 24mins 40secs - 1hrs 44mins 50secs (Baz was Graded a A+)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4 - 1hrs 45mins 40secs - 2hrs 54mins 35secs (Baz was Graded a A+)
Closing Out the Show- 2hrs 54mins 35secs - End
Closing Song - Done In - Vision of Disorder
Our new A3 Baz v Horror Posters are available to purchase!! If you are interested in owning one then email for details!!
All prices include postage and packaging in special poster tubes with mail drops on Wednesdays and Saturdays each week until I'm sold out.
Baz v Horror Poster:
UK: £15
USA: $20
Baz v Horror & TPUTS The Void Poster COMBO
UK: £20
USA $26
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