EP 29 Baz v Horror 9 (Feat. Graeme Humphrey & The Baz)
Welcome to episode 29 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join you host Duncan as he discusses all things horror.
On this episode Duncan is joined by The Baz and former TPUTS co-host the Ghastly Graeme Humphrey!!. As well as chatting about some horror news we return with the latest episode of Baz v Horror but first The Baz and Duncan return with more spoilerific reviews of the new Showtime show Penny Dreadful, this week it's EP 5 & 6. The Baz takes on the Ghost/Haunted House films for this weeks Baz v Horror and after a public poll on the Facebook page he faced off against JHorror ghost movie Ju-On - The Grudge (2002).
Penny Dreadful Season 1 Episodes 5 & 6 Spoilers - 1hr 27mins – 2hrs 15mins
In this contest of Baz v Horror…The Baz was the Winner!! This means the overall tally is Horror 3 – The Baz 6.
Baz v Horror EP 10 will see The Baz face off with a film chosen by the listeners…remember you control his film selection so don’t wait around and get voting on our Facebook page.
Thanks to the Ghastly Graeme Humphrey & The Baz for coming on and chatting and remember you can follow The Baz as he tackles future challenges on his twitter feed HERE.
Check out the show on iTunes & on Stitcher Radio.
The Podcast Under the Stairs is a proud member of The League of Extraordinary Podcasts.
Please leave us feedback on iTunes, podcastunderthestairs@gmail.com and follow us on Facebook.