Bonus EP 6 Endings & Beginnings (Feat. The Baz, Dave RnRR & Melanie Light)
Welcome to bonus episode 6 of The Podcast Under the Stairs
On this bonus episode Duncan and The Baz finish their journey through the tv adaptation of From Dusk Till Dawn with spoilerific reviews of EP 9 & 10. Duncan joins Dave from Rock n Reel Reviews and gets the chance to interview horror movie maker/director Melanie Light. Melanie is about to start work on her new short movie The Herd. Check out her work at
From Dusk Till Dawn Season 1 Episode 9 & 10 Spoilers – 25mins 52sec – 1hrs 4mins
Thanks for Melanie Light for the awesome interview!!
We have announced that the next Baz v Horror will see him take on Ghost/Haunted House movies and remember you control his film selection so don’t wait around and get voting on our Facebook page.
Thanks to The Baz for coming on and chatting and remember you can follow The Baz as he tackles future challenges on his twitter feed HERE.
The Podcast Under the Stairs is a proud member of The League of Extraordinary Podcasts.
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