Bonus EP 4 Dead By Dawn (Feat. Adele Hartley)

Welcome to bonus ep 4 of The Podcast Under The Stairs.

On this bonus episode of The Podcast Under The Stairs Duncan get the chance to interview Adele Hartley director of Dead By Dawn Horror Film Festival. This festival is the oldest running horror film festival in the UK and is run from the Filmhouse in Edinburgh. The discussion covers how films are selected for the festival, what Adele likes and dislikes in horror, a bit of history on the film festival & what you can expect if you come along to this years event.

The festival runs from 24-27 April 2014 and tickets can be purchase from the Filmhouse.

Make sure you join Dead by Dawn's Facebook Page as well as visit their website.

A massive thanks to Adele Hartley for giving up her time during this very busy time running up to the festival.

The Podcast Under the Stairs is a proud member of The League of Extraordinary Podcasts.

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Duncan McLeish