Welcome to episode 341 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
The Baz is back for a new series looking at the movies he wants to talk about.
From the Big Screen to then Small Screen, nothing is safe from Baz’s Backdoor Cinema.
This episode is covering Scream (2022).
Intro - 0 - 18mins 50secs
Promo - 18mins 50secs - 20mins 15secs
Scream (Non-Spoiler Review) - 20mins 15secs - 1hrs 10secs
Scream (SPOILER REVIEW) - 1hrs 10secs - 1hrs 56mins 30secs
Closing out the Show - 1hrs 56mins 30secs - End
Closing Song - Red Right Hand - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It
Duncan: 5
Baz: 5
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