EP 100 Part 1 - Baz v Leslie Vernon

Welcome to episode 100 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Welcome to Episode 100 and a week of TPUTS celebrations kicking off with your listeners feedback and Baz v Horror!! The Baz faces off against 2006's Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon.

Intro - 0 - 24mins 30secs

Listeners Messages - 24mins 30secs - 32mins 5secs

What's Baz Been Watching?  - 32mins 5secs - 57mins 10secs

Listeners Messages - 57mins 10secs - 1hrs 4mins 20secs

Behind the Mask Review - 1hrs 5mins 25secs - 2hrs 23mins 50secs - The Baz was graded A+

Listeners Messages - 2hrs 23mins 50secs - 2hrs 32mins 40secs

Closing Out the Show - 2hrs 32mins 40secs - End

Closing Song - Talking Heads - Psycho Killer

A massive thanks to Joshua Kelly for his artwork on this episode!!

Thank you all for the voicemails and feeback!!

You can purchase our Baz v Horror T-Shirts & Baseball Tops for a very limited time at the links below:

T-Shirts: https://www.mercht.com/c/bvshyear3tshirt

Baseball Tops: https://www.mercht.com/c/bvshyear3bball

Remember you can submit a question or ask for advise from The Baz by writing an email to podcastunderthestairs@gmail.com with the header “Baz’s Basement”.

Check out the show on iTunes & on Stitcher Radio.

The Podcast Under the Stairs is a proud member of Legion Podcasts.

Please leave us feedback on iTunes, podcastunderthestairs@gmail.com and follow us onFacebook & Twitter.

Duncan McLeish