Welcome to this Baz v Horror episode of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
In an episode which is over a year in the making, Duncan returns with The Baz in tow to look at a sub-genre that the basement dwelling duo are reluctant to cover...apprehension not because they are scared of the Italian Gialli oeuvre but rather because Duncan adores it and The Baz's shit shaming knows no bounds.
So with that in mind let The Podcast Under the Stairs welcome you to the 31st Baz v Horror aka Baz v Giallo!! Reviews on this episode are of the Sergio Martino's psychosexual proto slasher Torso (1973), Dario Argento's ultra violent giallo Tenebrae (1982) and a sneaky mini review of the Maestro Mario Bava's template in terror Blood & Black Lace.
Intro – 0 - 25mins
Torso - 26mins 45secs - 1hrs 10mins 55secs (Baz was Graded a A+)
Tenebrae - 1hrs 12mins 5secs - 1hrs 59mins 35secs (Baz was Graded a B-)
Blood & Black Lace (Mini Review) - 1hrs 59mins 35secs - 2hrs 17mins 45secs
Closing Out the Show- 2hrs 17mins 45secs - End
Closing Song - Phantoms Pt. II - Justice
The Baz will return...Baz v The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise...COMING SOON!!
Our new A3 Baz v Horror Posters are available to purchase!! If you are interested in owning one then email for details!!
All prices include postage and packaging in special poster tubes with mail drops on Wednesdays and Saturdays each week until I'm sold out.
Baz v Horror Poster:
UK: £15
USA: $20
Baz v Horror & TPUTS The Void Poster COMBO
UK: £20
USA $26
Remember you can submit a question or ask for advise from The Baz by writing an email to with the header “Baz’s Basement”.
Check out the show on iTunes & on Stitcher Radio.
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