Baz v Horror 24 - Halloween Parts 1-3
Welcome to this Baz v Horror episode of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
On this episode we officially start a journey that has been months in the planning and guided by you, the listeners. In 2015 The Baz not only tackled one of the most well known and beloved horror franchises in Friday the 13th but he pulled double duty and battled through the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise as well. Knowing we were only going to face off against one franchise for Baz v Horror in 2016, we left the selection in the hands of our listeners and you guys selected the Halloween franchise. This is the first of four planned Baz v Horror Halloween franchise episodes starting with reviews of Halloween (1978), Halloween 2 (1981) & Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (1982).
Intro - 0 - 16mins 45secs
Halloween - 18mins - 1hrs 26mins 45secs - Baz was awarded a A+ for his review
Halloween 2 - 1 hrs 28mins 50secs - 2hrs 30mins 15secs - Baz was awarded a A+ for his review
Baz's Basement - 2hrs 31mins 20secs - 2hrs 46mins
Halloween 3 - 2hrs 47mins 45secs - 3hrs 54mins 20secs - Baz was awarded a A+ for his review
Closing out the Show - 3hrs 54mins 20secs - End
Remember you can submit a question or ask for advise from The Baz by writing an email to with the header “Baz’s Basement”.
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