Welcome to Baz v Halloween 2016 Episode 2.
Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Season 3 of Baz v Halloween is upon us and for the next 5 episodes we will bring you the ultimate battle of wills!! Can The Baz carry over a 2 year win streak or will Halloween gain vengeance for it’s bitter defeat of last year??
Over the next 5 weeks he will face off against 10 movies with episode one covering The The Devils Backbone (2001) & Noroi - The Curse (2005)
Intro – 0 – 11mins 40secs
The Devils Backbone – 13mins 25secs – 1hrs 2mins 55secs (The Baz Wins)
Noroi - The Curse – 1hrs 4mins 40secs – 2hrs 26mins 25secs (Halloween Wins)
Closing Out the Show – 2hrs 26mins 25secs – End
Closing Song - Nim Vind - Killer Creature Double Feature
The score at the end of Episode 2 is Halloween - 2 & The Baz - 2
Remember you can submit a question or ask for advise from The Baz by writing an email to with the header “Baz’s Basement”.
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