Bonus Episode 17 - Baz Two Face Nae Cock

Welcome to this bonus episode of The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Join your host Duncan Under The Stairs discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

Duncan is back from his holiday with nothing planned...disaster is averted when The Baz steps in to save the day!! The guys come live from the Sexy Kitchen for movie reviews, competition winner announcements and a review of the listeners choice The Final Girls (2015). Listen to Duncan and The Baz waste two hours of your life with their nonsense.

Intro  & Catch- up 0 - 46mins 25secs (spoiler for The Lost Coast Tapes 34mins 10secs - 36mins 55secs)

TPUTS Instagram Horrorblock Prize Draw - 48mins 15secs - 53mins 30secs - Winner Mike Thunder

The Final Girls –  58mins – 1hrs 47mins 15secs (spoilers 1hrs 41mins 50secs - 1hrs 34mins 50secs)

Closing out the Show - 1hrs 47mins 13secs - End

Closing Song - Miha & Nejc - Bettie Davies Eyes 

The grading follows the Netflix rating style of 1 = Hated It, 2 = Didn’t Like It, 3 = Liked It, 4 = Really Liked It & 5 = Loved It

Near Dark:

Duncan: 4.5

Andy: 4.5

Remember you can submit a question or ask for advise from The Baz by writing an email to with the header “Baz’s Basement”.

Check out the show on iTunes & on Stitcher Radio.

The Podcast Under the Stairs is a proud member of Legion Podcasts.

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Duncan McLeish