EP 59 Listeners Choice - The Loved Ones (Feat. The Baz)

Welcome to episode 59 of The Podcast Under the Stairs.


Join your host Duncan live from THE VOID discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.

On this episode Duncan returns to the airways in his temporary home away from home (in THE VOID). This week is the very first Listeners Choice episode of The Podcast Under the Stairs so Duncan is joined by The Baz to review your selection...The Loved Ones (2009).

Join the gents as they do a show dedicated to The Love Ones and follow Duncan as he harnesses the powers of THE VOID to time travel into The Baz's past and see what actually happened to him the night of his senior prom. Also remember stick around to the very end to hear the very first ever Bloopers section in TPUTS history!! We love our listeners and this show is 100% dedicated to you!!

Intro – 0 - 31mins 50secs

The Loved Ones & The Baz Clips - 31mins 50secs - 1hrs 47mins 40secs

Close of Show - 1hrs 47mins 40sec - End

BLOOPERS - 2hrs 1mins 25secs - End (really this time)

The Loved Ones Rating:

Duncan: 5

The Baz : 4

Thanks to The Baz for coming on the show and remember you can submit a question or ask for advice from The Baz by writing an email to podcastunderthestairs@gmail.com with the header “Baz’s Basement” and you can follow The Baz as he tackles future challenges on his twitter feed HERE.

Check out the show on iTunes & on Stitcher Radio.

The Podcast Under the Stairs is a proud member of Legion Podcasts.

Please leave us feedback on iTunes, podcastunderthestairs@gmail.com and follow us on Facebook & Twitter.

Duncan McLeish