Baz v Horror 15 (feat. The Baz) Friday the 13th Parts 9, 10 & Remake
Welcome to this Baz v Horror episode of The Podcast Under the Stairs.
Join your host Duncan live from THE VOID discussing all things Horror on The Podcast Under the Stairs.
On this episode Duncan returns to the airways in his temporary home away from home (in THE VOID).
On this episode Duncan is joined by The Baz for Baz v Horror 15 where The Baz concludes his journey into the mad going-ons at Crystal Lake in Friday the 13th Part 9 - Jason Goes to Hell (The Final Friday) (1993), Jason X (2001), Friday the 13th - Remake (2009).
Intro – 0:00 – 15mins
Jason Goes to Hell – 17mins 25secs - 1hrs 18mins ~ Duncan Graded The Baz an A
Jason X – 1 hrs 25mins 5secs – 2hrs 20mins 30sec ~ Duncan Graded The Baz an A+
Friday 13th (2009) – 2hrs 24mins 10sec – 3hrs 30mins 45secs ~ Duncan Graded The Baz an A+
Close of Show – 3hrs 31mins 45secs – End
Thanks to The Baz for coming on the show and remember to be in with a chance to win the DVD copy of Beneath all you have to do is leave a Baz’s Basement question under the Facebook post of the DVD or by following the instructions below.
Remember you can submit a question or ask for advise from The Baz by writing an email to with the header “Baz’s Basement” and you can follow The Baz as he tackles future challenges on his twitter feed HERE.
Check out the show on iTunes & on Stitcher Radio.
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