11 September 2017 - Weeks 10 of the Summer Top 10 2017

Welcome to the Blog Under the Stairs!!


Moving forward representing the year 1978 will be Joh Carpenters Halloween & George A Romero's zombie masterpiece Dawn of the Dead. 

Now lets cast our eyes on to our final year 1979!! 

Each week on the Blog Under the Stairs I will post the Top 10 movies that will be cover on the following weeks show. This will give you a chance to play along with the hosts and whittle down he movies and, using the TPUTS Noah's Ark rules, pick what you think the top 2 movies are from each year.

Let us see if you agree with me and my guests each week until we make our way to the decadent roundtable at the end of the series!!

This is the final week and final year so for the last time this year let me say that Week 10 is 1979 and the 10 movies that will be discussed on the next episode of TPUTS are:

Zombie Flesh Eaters
Tourist Trap
The Brood
When a Stranger Calls
Driller Killer
The Amityville Horror
The Visitor
Nosferatu the Vampyre

Episode 10 of the Top 10 drops on Thursday 14 September 2017 and will feature special guest host Andy Blockley of Doing the Nasty & Opera Omnia Podcast.

To join our mailing list for further updates all you need to do is enter your email in the form below!!

This entry of the Blog Under the Stairs was written while listening to the cheesy metal covers of guilty pleasures in Leo Moracchioli's cover of Toto's Africa.

Until the next post, wherever you are, whatever the timezone is and whatever you're up to, please take care of yourselves....This is Duncan McLeish typing from Under the Stairs...Signing Off.